If this is your first time here, welcome! We're happy to answer any questions you might have.


So... you fight with swords?

Yes! We do! While we take what we do seriously, at the end of the day we're a bunch of adults fighting with swords... and we think that's pretty awesome.

Are they real swords?

Yes... well, mostly yes. While not sharp or dangerous, the swords we use are called feders which are blunted steel swords, designed to mimic the length, weight, and feeling of a real longsword from the Middle Ages. This allows us to train our technique accurately, without actually killing or harming each other in the process.

Is it safe?

We take safety extremely seriously. We require anyone fighting in our group to be wearing protective equipment including helmet, gloves, jacket, and gorget. We also ensure that anyone fighting has had enough training that they are unlikely to harm themselves or others. This is a contact sport, but it's one where we try to minimize risks and ensure that anyone practicing it, can do so safely.

What are your practices like?

Warm-up, drills and games, and sparring. Each class begins with a light sparring session to warm up, during which time you can stretch or warm up individually if you would like. We then discuss a specific historical technique, and do fencing activities related to it. At the end of class, we break for free sparring.


Do I need equipment?

Yes, some. We used to offer loaner gear, but due to COVID we don't think it's a good idea for people to be sharing gear. You are free to visit and observe at any time, but in order to participate you will need a fencing mask and light padded gloves, such as lacrosse gloves. Thank you for your understanding. We still offer swords as loaners!

Do you train in other medieval weapons?

Longswords are our thing. While we support and encourage our members to study other weapons systems within HEMA (such as Sword and Buckler, Messer, etc.) We currently devote our time and energy into longsword during class and practice times.

Is there an age limit?

Anyone 12+ We have fighters spanning a number of age ranges, experience levels, and physical conditions. ALL are welcome. For safety reasons, we do not currently offer classes or training for children under 12, and we also ask that anyone 18 years or younger be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

What is the cost?

$50 per month
And your first visit is free. So come and check out what we do. We'd be happy to have you.